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A downloadable micro TTRPG

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Born of my never-ending love for the Sly Cooper franchise, Honor Among Thieves is a tribute micro TTRPG (for 3+ players) about the thievish activities of a group of honorable master thieves who seek to only steal from other criminals. Will you remain honorable and loyal to your gang or will you end up becoming just like the petty criminals you've been trying so hard to bring down? Play to find out!

TouchstonesLeverage (TV show), Now You See Me (media franchise), Sly Cooper franchise (video games), and To Steal From a Thief (movie)


Different Versions

Honor Among Thieves is available in three different systems: Lasers & FeelingsPush, and VRBS.

I'm playing around with different systems while I work on the final version of the game, which might end up being a Forged in the Dark.


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~ Sales: 6 / Community Copies provided: 10 ~


Get this micro TTRPG and 8 more for $25.60 USD
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In order to download this micro TTRPG you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3.60 USD. You will get access to the following files:

🧢 HAT - Lasers & Feelings edition (v1.1).zip 4.5 MB
🧢 HAT - Push 5.7 MB
if you pay $4.50 USD or more
🧢 HAT - VRBS 9.8 MB
if you pay $6.30 USD or more

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Development log


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Hi. Thanks for putting these games together. I've got a quick question regarding the Push version. Do the traits have any impact on the rolls at all or are they purely narrative?

(1 edit)

Hi. First of all, thank you for the kind words and for the interest in HAT!
That made me pull out the push manual, hahaha. After re-reading pages 27-32 of the SRD, I double-checked with Cezar (the author of Push) just to make sure and he confirmed that it's merely narrative. It's basically a fictional positioning to frame what your character might prefer/be able to do.

Great...thankyou! I think I'll give the Lazers and Feelings version a go with my group when we finish up our current campaign (I like to slot in interesting, rules light games between our big campaigns..) Cheers!

Yeah, I think that's something one-pagers are really good for. Also to quickly improvise a one-shot on the spot when one or more of your players end up not being able to show up for the session. If you have any feedback after you run it, do let me know!